Friday, April 18, 2008

ColifeR - Your life is Colorful

To record your every moment in your life.

This is my first complete application for Google Android.

The interesting parts for this application is:

- Photos with location/time/caption/comments
- Fancy operation mode. You can drag and drop photo cards on desktop; browse the photos in google map; browse the big photos by moving your fingers.
- Share. Browse your friends photos;add your comment and review comments from your friends.
- It uses google picasa web album as your photo repository. All the photos here are sent/retrieved from picasa.

  • Click the application icon on desktop, you will see the main screen below.
  • You will be asked to log in with your google account if you haven't logged in before. You can change to another account by clicking "Manage Account" later.
  • Click "Take photo" to take photo with your camera, and uploading to picasa web album.
  • Click Life memory, you will get your friend list. And you can select one to view their recent photos on a certain day.
  • There are 3 modes (more in future) to view the photos token in a day.
    Map view, Cards view and Slide Show.

  • The demo video.


Qingpeng said...

for iPhone?

Larry said...

Android phone ... aka. gphone

chintanonline said...

Can i have the code for the app please. I need to implement something simialr in my class project

Swimm12984 said...

any idea when this app will be added to the Android market if added at all?